Module building

Version: $Id: modulestructure.html,v 1.1 2001/08/24 16:25:21 nzc Exp $

This document describes the procedure for adding a new module to the code base.

  1. First off, do not add a module without discussing it in the dev group, particularly: discuss it with the architecture board. The architecture board will point out whether the desired functionality already exists elsewhere, what the name should be (so you don't clash with other modules or libraries), where the module should go, etc.

  2. A new module should have the following directory layout:
  3. The external interface of a module must contain documentation. Add Doxygen-style comments to the relevant headers. Ask the architecture board to add your stuff to the generated source code documentation.

  4. Prepare a small presentation and tell everyone about the new module at the next dev-meeting!